Lobby Letter to the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) on Suggestions on the Revision of Product Quality Law

2019-05-23 | Beijing

A lobby letter is submitted to the Department of Quality and Safety Supervision and Administration and the Department of Quality Development of the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) on the recommendations on revising the Product Quality Law.

The letter illustrated the outstanding issues of the current Quality Law which has been in force for more than 25 years without any substantial amendment and certain regulations have become incompatible with the great economic development and innovation taking place in China. It recommends the revision can focus on safety management and differentiating the administrative responsibilities and the civil responsibilities of companies in case of different quality problems. Also, it suggests to broaden the concept of 'product quality' taking into account of consumption experience, capability of user-friendly, safety index to consumer and environment, value of innovation and so on apart from the traditional concepts like durability, physical and chemical performances. and so on.