Meeting with China Petroleum & Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) Committee of Multinationals

2019-07-01 | Beijing


Mr CHANG Xinjie, National Chair of the Environment Working Group, firstly introduced the European Chamber and the CPCIF Committee of Multinationals showed great interests in the structure and internal working mechanism of the European Chamber. Then Ms MAN Juan, Vice Secretary-General of the Committee of Multinationals, briefly introduced the CPCIF Committee of Multinationals.

The two sides discussed in length of the potential cooperation on shaping the development of Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) in China, whose goal is to reduce or even eliminate plastic waste. Additionally, the CPCIF Committee of Multinationals wants to conduct a holistic survey on the manufacture, use and recycle of plastics. The Committee of Multinationals said they expected to seeks external cooperation on the matter. Possible meeting agenda of the China Petroleum and Chemical International Conference (CPCIC) in September was also discussed.