Meeting with Deputy Secretary General of NDRC and Director General of CCUD

2019-06-14 | Beijing

On 14th June 2019, European Chamber Vice President Massimo Bagnasco met with Ren Zhiwu, Deputy Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and Shi Yulong, Director General of the China Center for Urban Development under NDRC at the 5th China Smart City International Expo held in Beijing. 

The discussion featured future EU-China cooperation and exchanges on China's smart city construction. Mr. Shi suggested the cooperation could get inspirations from the China-EU urbanization partnership, Belt and Road sustainable city alliance and other platforms.  Mr. Bagnasco said he had great confidence to the future EU-China cooperation on urbanization, also to research and innovations that are key to the problems during China's urbanization process. Therefore, he suggested more exchanges and more supporting policies from both China and EU side. However, he said, the business demand in China is not easy to be captured without support from government; at the same time, for domestic consumers, especially local cities, it would be hard to find an adequate foreign partner.

After discussion on the issure, Mr. Shi kindly invited the Chamber to send the CCUD a list of foreign companies, on which each company's strengths and features are clearly written. The list would be sent out to Chinese cities who are in demand of partnership on smart city construction or urbanization.