European Chamber Representative Speaks at the NDRC Seminar on Regulation on Optimising Business Environment

2019-07-22 | Shanghai

On 22nd July, Ms Helei Fu, director, Government Affairs, Shanghai Chapter, was invited to discuss the Regulation on Optimising Business Environment at a meeting chaired by Ms Jie Yang, director general (DG), Department of Laws and Regulations, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The Regulation was drafted by the NDRC and is undergoing public consultation until 12th August.

While noting the efforts the central and local authorities have made to create a friendly business environment, the Chamber believes the key is to fully implement the relevant regulations in a timely manner. In particular, Director Fu raised the challenges foreign business currently face, such as unequal treatment of domestic and foreign companies in government procurement, inadequate protection on intellectual property rights, lack of a mechanism to protect the small and medium-size enterprises' lawful rights, direct and indirect impact of stricter environment regulation enforcement, among others.

About 50 people attended this meeting, including officials from the NDRC and Shanghai DRC, State Council and Ministry of Justice, as well as representatives from the foreign chambers of commerce, Chinese industry associations, local state-owned enterprises, think-tanks and business community.