Meeting with Mr. Song Gang, Deputy Director General of Chongqing Commission of Commerce

2019-11-28 | Southwest China

Meeting with Mr. Song Gang, Deputy Director General of Chongqing Commission of Commerce

On 28th November, President Jörg Wuttke led a delegation of Southwest China Chapter Board members and General Manager Ms Sally Huang to meet with Mr Song Gang, deputy director general (DDG) of the Chongqing Commission of Commerce, and officials from the Department of American and European Affairs, Division of Foreign Investment Administration and Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Foreign Trade Administration.

President Wuttke gave an introduction to the Chamber’s European Business in China Position Paper 2019/2020, and Dominik Widmer, vice chair of the Southwest Chapter, presented the key recommendations of the Southwest China Position Paper 2018/2019. DDG Song expressed his appreciation for the Chamber's visit and efforts to improve Chongqing's business and living environments.