Meeting with SCDRC on Healthcare Reform

2014-06-04 | All chapters

The purpose of this meeting was to understand Mr. Ge’s viewpoint on next step of healthcare reform and also to invite him to Chamber event. Ge pointed out that healthcare reform, among other reform priorities, is not of foremost importance. This year’s healthcare reform will be focusing on public hospital reform.


SCDRC is making recommendations to the government based on the following three directions:

1.       Things which should be stopped: expansion of healthcare service system such as over-capacity of county-level hospitals as well as commercialization of private hospitals.

2.       Things which involve long-term commitment and have to be started: regional healthcare system integration, informationization, healthcare insurance regulation, commercial healthcare insurance, etc.

3.       Things which have to be dealt with right away: patient-doctor relationship, clinical pathway, etc.


Mr. Ge suggested two ways to cooperate with the industry, either through industry-sponsored joint research on key issues or through specific seminar and workshops. Ge mentioned that SCDRC is also interested in several other areas including healthcare insurance, specifically the commercial insurance. Maggie Xie discussed the Chamber event on healthcare and invited Mr. Ge to become a speaker.