Industry Meeting with the EU Delegation Market Access Team on Medical Device Regulations Changes

2014-05-29 | All chapters

Jesicca Yuan and Co-Chairs of Healthcare Equipment Working Group debriefed on the Revision of Order 276 (new Order 650) and its implementing regulations.

Christophe Besse debriefed on the recent Economic and Trade Working Group meeting in BXL held on 28-29 April in Brussels.

The EUSME Centre informed on the latest support material they have created in this sector and on the feedback they receive from Medical Devices companies.

Jerome LEPEINTRE debriefed on the last SANCO-CFDA Regulatory dialogue held in Beijing on 11 April.

Charles Barker debriefed on EUCTP activities in medical device field.


Christophe BESSE will follow up on WTO TBT comments.

The Market Access Team meeting is to be held every six months.

Jerome LEPEINTRE recalled that there will be a high-level visit at the end of June (visit of Commissioner Mimica).