Follow-up Meeting with DRC on PP and EU-China Renewable Energy Development Plans

2020-11-24 | Beijing

After the high-level meeting with VP Long Guoqiang at the Development Research Centre of the State Council (DRC) on 5th November, Guido Giacconi, Chair of the Energy Working Group, held a follow-up meeting with DG Gao Shiji (DRC) on 24th November to present the Chamber's 2020/2021 Position Paper.

Both parties exchanged views on topics such as carbon neutrality and EU-China energy policies. More specific topics have been addressed, such as the evolution of the renewable energy system in China and the EU (biomass energy in particular), the current and future approaches of the DRC to renewable energy development within the framework of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and potential collaboration opportunities between EU companies and China during this Energy Transition period.