Meeting with EUD Environment Counselor Sebastien Paquot

2021-02-05 | Beijing

Meeting with EUD Environment Counselor Sebastien Paquot

1.      Circular Economy:

·        Topics: plastic waste, recycling and remanufacturing and the other demanding sectors.

·        Objective : EUCCC is interested in working as a counterpart to CACE in pushing forward business exchanges and cooperation between EU and China on circular economy cooperation, under the MOU signed in 2018.

·        Form: seminars , training, site visits…

·        Stakeholders and participants: EUD, EU Commission, NDRC, CACE, MEE, MOFCOM , members of EUCCC and CACE… among the others

·        In April:Tentative event on 14th Five Year Plan and EU -China cooperation on Circular Economy, with participation of NDRC , CACE , EUD, EU commission


2.      Supply Chain

·        Upcoming EU legislation on Sustainable Supply Chain : EUCCC to submit comments,Further engagement between EUCCC members and EUD/Commission representatives could be envisioned if more feedback is needed

·        Green Supply Chain (Manufacturing), cooperate with MIIT and EUD for participating the incentivized programs and projects


3.      Biodiversity

·        Topics: EU -China commitments and cooperation under Convention on biodiversity; deforestation

·        Form: A seminar held with EU commissioner and MEE DG; subforum on COP 15 Biodiversity Conference in Kunming

·        Stakeholders: EUD, MEE

4.        High level engagement with Commission representatives (EVP, Commissioner, DG level) – closed-door meetings with senior business representatives

·        Meeting requests to be sent by EUCCC after the roll-out of the 14FYP

·        EUCCC can arrange high level briefings ahead of relevant EU-China dialogues