Meeting with Mr Li Ang, Deputy Secretory of Tianfu New Area Administrative Committee

2021-05-13 | Southwest China

Meeting with Mr Li Ang, Deputy Secretory of Tianfu New Area Administrative Committee

On 13th May 2021, leading by Massimo Bagnasco, Vice President of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China as well as Chair of the Southwest China Chapter of the Chamber, the delegation of European Chamber visited Sichuan Tianfu New Area and had a roundtable meeting with the officials. Twenty-seven guests from Consulates and member companies including Aden Group, IPSIDE, Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited Chengdu Branch attended the event.

Firstly, the delegation was given a guided tour of Central Business Park Exhibition Hall and Tianfu International Convention Center.

A roundtable was held after the visit, Mr Li Ang, Deputy Secretory of Tianfu New Area Administrative Committee and Ms Hua Minna, Director of International Cooperation Bureau introduced Tianfu New Area to the audience such as the history, location, business environment, advantages of Tianfu New Area etc. and the achievements of Chengdu in 2020.

IPSIDE and Aden Group, two member representatives from the Chamber made speeches to share their development in Chengdu and feelings about Tianfu New Area. They were looking forward to cooperating with Tianfu New Area in future.

Massimo expressed thanks to Tianfu New Area, introduced European Chamber and Southwest China Chapter to the officials and shared his opinions on cooperation with Tianfu New Area. Massimo also talked about Carbon Neutrality and Individual Income Tax in his speech and submitted the Position Paper to Mr Li Ang at the end of the meeting.


Meeting Minutes:

1.       Opening speech by Mr Li Ang, Deputy Secretory of Tianfu New Area Administrative Committee

2.       Presentation by Ms Hua Minna, Director of International Cooperation Bureau: Sharing achievements of Chengdu in 2020, general introduction of Tianfu New Area, seeking cooperation with members of European Chamber in future

3.       Speech by Mr. Li Ang, Introducing the history of Tianfu New Area, detailed description of the advantages of Tianfu New Are such as location, personnel, employment, business environment etc.,

4.       Watching promotion video of Tianfu New Area

5.       Sharing by two members of the Chamber: IPSIDE and Aden Group. The members made self-introduction to the audience and were looking forward to future cooperation with the area such as law, smart city and so on.

6.       Speech by Massimo Bagnasco:

1)            Greetings. Thanks Tianfu New Area and special thanks International Cooperation Bureau of Tianfu New Area for the great supports for the chamber and great organization to make the meeting happen; Massimo has been there and in contact with TIANFU OFFICIALS SEVERAL TIMES along last years but it was the first time for the Chamber to organise its members to visit Tianfu New Area. As a state-level new area, there are promising future and members of the Chamber are keen on learning the polices.

2)            Brief introduction of the Chamber and Southwest China Chapter.

3)            Members companies of the Chamber are in China for China, and seek for deeper cooperation.

4)            Carbon Neutrality. People should work together to complete the mission.

5)            Individual Income Tax has a huge influence on foreign expats in China.

6)            Better market access conditions and a level playing field will ultimately pave the way for more EU companies to increase investments in China.