Meeting with Dalian Council for the Promotion of International Trade

2021-04-12 | Shenyang

On the afternoon of 12th April, European Chamber Shenyang Chapter had a meeting with Dalian Council for the Promotion of International Trade. Future cooperation will be carried out and both sides are looking forward to working on the upcoming Import and Export Fair and other projects in the future.

Mr. Teng Yucao, Deputy Director of the Dalian Council for the Promotion of International Trade, introduced the work of the Council and then warmly invited the members of the Shenyang Chapter to join in the upcoming Import and Export Fair.

Mr. Harald Kumpfert, Chairman of the Shenyang Chapter, welcomed the visit from the Council and introduced the work of the European Chamber and expressed the eagerness of future cooperation.

Both sides highlighted the importance of cooperation locally and are looking forward to future cooperation.