Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General and Nanshan District Mayor

2021-07-29 | South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General and Nanshan District Mayor

On July 29th, EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member Ms. Blandine Cressard met with Ms. Cao Saixian, Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General, and Mr. Huang Xiangyue, Nanshan District Mayor.

The meeting was held to discuss how government can improve the business and living environment for expats in Nanshan District. Ms. Cressard recognized the outstanding innovation and economic achievements made by Nanshan district, and continue to emphasis the importance of granting new working visas, PU letters, and Covid vaccinations to foreigners. She also brought up the European companies’ concern relating to individual income tax reforms.

Other speakers include UNESCO Shenzhen office, Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Respironics, Airbus Shenzhen Innovation Center, KPMG, and other international companies and organizations residing in Nanshan.