Meeting with National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) on Safety and Techinical Standards for Cosmetics

2022-03-01 | Beijing

European Chamber Cosmetics Working Group, along with other organizations, had a meeting with Li Nan, Director and Chen Chao Deputy Director from NMPA, Xing Shuxia from NIFDC, to investigate the demands of the industry for the revision of Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics. In general, the department of cosmetics has received industry appeals. It is also expected to release an updated version in the first half of the year. The cosmetics department has considered some common concerns of the industry, such as acne rinsing, anti-wrinkle rinsing general product animal test exemption and transitional period setting. Many of the details of the procedure have also been included in the revised content of NIFDC.