Meeting with Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Department of the Invest Promotion Agency

2022-03-25 | Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Department of the Invest Promotion Agency

The Petroleum, Chemical and Refining Working Group invited officials from Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Department of the Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) of the Ministry of Commerce, to a working group meeting on investment policies in the chemical industry. Ms Karin Xu, chair of the working group, gave attendees a brief overview of the CIPA and its functions, explained how it is related to the working group, and introduced the visiting CIPA officials.

Mr Song Lei, director of the Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Department, gave a speech on the development and achievements of China’s chemical industry, future plans for the sector, mechanisms available to safeguard enterprises’ legal rights and a platform for dealing with complaints and unfair treatment.

He demonstrated that the quantities and qualities of the industry had enormously increased in the 13th Five-Year Plan, and they were confident that the industry would continue to grow in the following years. He also made a briefing about the several provinces with strong performances and ongoing plans in the sector such as Shandong and Guangdong. He also ensured that the complaint center would be dedicated to solve the issues faced by foreign companies and the Agency would promote and welcome foreign investments based on the rules set by law and regulation. The CIPA said that they would build a more professional, international and digital cross-border industry cooperation platform, and they welcome members of the Chamber to actively participate in Chinese market and platform-building.

Representatives of 18 European multinational chemical enterprises attended the meeting, they asked questions and gave suggestions about regulations and plans of the industry, and officials from CIPA answered their questions with further invitation to their contribution and participation to the work of the Agency and the building of green chemical platform.