European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Board Met with Tianjin Commerce Bureau DDG HE on Covid Measures and Business Confidence

2022-04-27 | Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Board Met with Tianjin Commerce Bureau DDG HE on Covid Measures and Business Confidence

On Thursday, 27th April 2022, the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter board team, led by Chair Christoph Scrempp, paid a visit to DDG He, Tianjin Commerce Bureau to raise concerns and recommendations on COVID measures and business confidence.

Chair Schrempp shared the findings of the flash survey which was conducted among Tianjin members during 18th to 21st of April. The survey aimed to understand the impact borne by the European companies operating in Tianjin due to recent covid measures and supply chain disruptions. Chair Schrempp detailed shared the survey results including losing production days, supply chain disruption, cost-saving adaption measures took/plans to take, overwhelming information flows, challenges of foreign employees coming to China with families,etc. He raised concerns on business confidence and provided recommendations on

1) to provide more transparency and plannability of operations;

2) to avoid the blocking of workforce;

3) to avoid supply chain disruptions;

4) to reduce full scale economical impact and secure operations in mid term;

5) to protect people.

Catherine Guo, General Manager of Tianjin Chapter, addressed the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter is willing to contribute to the development of Tianjin and continue acting as a bridge between Commerce Bureau and EU business. Suggested gov.t dialogue in June and Nov. in 2022.  Lorraine Zhang shared SME Forum work progress in Tianjin including digital transformation, interactive with EU SME center,etc.

DDG He expressed appreciation to the Chamber survey findings.  He asked the Chamber to continuously support reinforcing the business confidence of the EU businesses in Tianjin for development and further expanding. He was aware that Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce met the Chamber delegation in BJ in April, TJ Commerce Bureau would make efforts to coordinate other local authorities to figure out local solutions. DDG He invited the Chamber to the upcoming policy Q&A on 15 Items on Supporting Businesses During Pandemic and World Intelligence Conference in 9th -12th, June, 2022.

Additionally,  Li Cheng, Secondary Consultant shared there are over 600 European companies operating in Tianjin, among which around 276 are in manufacturing.