Online conference with Guangdong Department of Commerce on 2022 Business Environment for European Enterprises in Guangdong

2022-06-09 | South China

Online conference with Guangdong Department of Commerce on 2022 Business Environment for European Enterprises in Guangdong

On June 9, European Chamber co-organized an online conference with Guangdong Department of Commerce on '2022 Business Environment for European Enterprises in Guangdong'.

Joined by Guangdong Department of Commerce Deputy Director General Mr Chen Yuehua, European Chamber Vice President & South China Board Chair Mr Klaus Zenkel, as well as over 50 government officials and European enterprise representatives, the online conference introduced latest policies on Guangdong's FIE Protection and Enterprise Headquarter Incentives. Business promotion presentations are also delivered by four cities in eastern Guangdong: Chaozhou, Shantou, Shanwei and Jieyang.