Invest in Europe – EUCC Nanjing and Jiangsu China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Seminar

2014-11-12 | Nanjing

On the 12th November EUCC Nanjing, in cooperation with CCPIT Jiangsu, held the seminar “Invest  in Europe”. Around 100 people gathered in the Ballroom of Intercontinental Hotel Nanjing. Ms. Qiu Xioaping, Vice-Chairwoman of CCPIT Jiangsu and Bernhard Weber – VP BSH and EUCC Board Member opened the conference, Mirella Savegnago, GM EUCC NJ introduced data on Chinese Outward Direct investment and six European Nations (suggested by CCPIT), namely Belgium, Sweden, Slovakia, Italy, Poland and Frankfurt Rhein Main in Germany, delivered insight on opportunities for outbound investments to an audience of Chinese enterprises.