Meeting with Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce

2022-08-29 | Shanghai

Meeting with Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce

On 29th August 2022, the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter met with Mr Liu Guang, Deputy Director General of Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce. The meeting was also joined by his colleague Mr Shang Yuwei, Director General of Anhui Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau and officials of the Foreign Affairs Division of Anhui Department of Commerce.

Deputy Director General Liu introduced the Fifth World Manufacturing Convention to be held in Anhui on 20th September this year and invited European Chamber member companies to attend. With the total value of import and export between Anhui and the EU reaching 14 billion US dollars in 2021, DDG Liu highlighted that Anhui and Europe are important trade and investment partners. In recent years, the EU has been a major source of foreign direct investment in Anhui, with the first half of 2022 witnessing a tenfold increase in Anhui-bound EU investment compared to the same time period in 2021. As such, Anhui welcomes European companies’ participation in the upcoming World Manufacturing Convention. The Convention, the DDG stated, will focus on manufacturing in 10 key industries, including new energy vehicles, energy-saving technologies, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence.

Dr Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter thanked DDG Liu for his introduction and invitation. Marking the second visit from DDG Liu and Anhui Department of Commerce, the European Chamber values closer collaboration with Anhui, and welcomes further investment cooperation between European companies and Anhui Province.

Dr Kraft and DDG Liu look forward to future opportunities to support the development of European companies operating in Anhui, which may include a roundtable in the latter half of 2022 or in 2023.