European Chamber Met with China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC)

2022-08-25 | Beijing

On 25th August, the European Chamber delegation met with Mr Gao Xiang, director-general (DG) of the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) in Beijing. 

This is the first time for the two sides to meet. Ms Ziting Zhang, head of Government Affairs of European Chamber, thanked for the CSTEC's reception and introduced the chamber in terms of its development, structure and recent advocacy work. Ms Zhang presented the chamber's recent publications including the Position Paper 2021/22, Business Confidence Survey 2022, the carbon neutrality report and the innovation ecosystem report. She emphasized the importance of EU-China cooperation in the science and technology fields and expressed the hope for a deeper engagement between the European Chamber and the CSTEC and potentially the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

Mr Gao Xiang, director-general (DG) of the CSTEC, introduced the center and agreed on the importance of further deepening the EU-China cooperation in science and technology development. To achieve the goal, DG Gao recognised the value of working with the European Chamber particularly in terms of research studies and policy interpretation and insight sharing. 

The two sides agreed to stay in close contact for any potential opportunity of collaboration.