Meeting with Daxing District People's Government of Beijing Municipality

2022-09-15 | Beijing

On 15th September, the European Chamber representatives met with Daxing District People's Government of Beijing Municipality to get to know the developmental situation of Daxing district.

During the meeting, Mr Cai xiaojun, the Deputy District Mayor, introduced the information of the Daxing district's development in the past few years in terms of cultural, economy, infrastructure and transportation etc. He stressed that compared to other districts in Beijing, Daxing is still in the fast-growing phase and has huge developmental potential in several sectors. Daxing District Municipality highly values the development of Foreign-Invested Enterprises (FIEs) in China and stands ready to work with them and provide more friendly business environment in the future. 

The Chair of the Government Affairs Forum thanked support from Daxing District Municipality and gave a brief introduction of the European Chamber and its GA forum and Rail working group. She noted that European Chamber thinks highly of Daxing District Municipality's effort to boost regional economic development and believes that more FIEs would love to consider the investment opportunities in Daxing.

At the end of the meeting, both sides expressed inclination to strengthen the communication and exchanges in the near future.