Meeting with Department of Energy Conservation and Resource Utilization and Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

2022-09-29 | Beijing

Meeting with Department of Energy Conservation and Resource Utilization and Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

On 29th September 2022, Vice Chair of Environment Working Group and European Chamber staff met with Mr Zhouyang with Department of Energy Conservation and Resource Utilization (DECRU) and Mr Mao Tao with Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation (CIETC) of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). During the meeting, Mr Jet Chang, Chair of Environment Working Group and Ms Ziting Zhang, Head of Government Affairs, welcomed the MIIT team and presented European Chamber China's Position Paper 2022/2023, Carbon Neutrality Report, and EURObiz Issue 68: Decarbonisation, to Mr Zhouyang, Mr Mao Tao, and their team of MIIT. The European Chamber BMs introduced relevant Working Groups and major concerns. Mr Mao Tao introduced the upcoming 2022 Industrial Green Development Conference and 2022 Industrial Green Development Exhibition Show and invited the European Chamber and its member companies. Then, the European Chamber representatives had an in-depth discusssion with MIIT team regarding potential cooperation opportunities.