Submitted Comments to the National Energy Administration (NEA) on the Blue Book on New Power System Development

2023-02-05 | Beijing

On 5th February, the Energy Working Group submitted comments to the National Energy Administration (NEA) on the Blue Book on New Power System Development.

The overall direction of the Blue Book is clear and informative. It is recommended that in the development of China's new power system, international advanced technology and experience be effectively drawn upon, and that international cooperation be used in multiple ways to promote technological innovation. 

Other issues include:

  • Supply-side and grid-side issues and challenges are comprehensive, but demand-side issues and challenges have not been clearly described.
  • The relationship between distributed smart grid and new distribution system is unclear.

  • The periods from 2030 to 2045, and from 2045 to 2060 lack quantifiable targets.
  • Power losses should be a key assessment indicator for electrical equipment and solutions.