Life and Health Industry Cross-Border Cooperation Conference

2023-04-11 | Beijing

Yu Guangsheng introduced the cross-border cooperation platform of the life and health industry as one of the cross-border platforms focused on by the Ministry of Commerce, and explained that its focus is on the development trend of the life science field, i.e. medical devices, digital medical care, health food and other fields.

Zhang Yuhui explained the unique advantages and new opportunities for developing the health industry in Hainan. The new focus is the development of digital therapy and digital health. 

During the Panel discussion, Huang Jian explained the real-world data medical insurance application is a brand-new work. The Health Security Administration of Hainan Province is working on measures to promote it. Ping Li was asked to share his opinion on the attractiveness for foreign enterprises and the opportunities for cooperation in the future. Li raised recommendations about the administration of digital therapy / digital health, medical technics speed-to-market to serve people.