European Chamber Spoke at the Nanjing Economic and Trade Promotion Conference- Canton Fair

2023-04-17 | Nanjing, South China

European Chamber Spoke at the Nanjing Economic and Trade Promotion Conference- Canton Fair

On 17th April 2023, on behalf of the European Chamber South China Chapter and Nanjing Chapter, the European Chamber Vice President, South China Board Chair Mr. Klaus Zenkel Spoke at the opening ceremony of the Nanjing Economic and Trade Promotion Conference, and met with Deng Zhiyi, vice mayor of Nanjing.

Mr Zenkel Highlighted that the trade and investment are the engines of economic growth and development, and we support policies that promote openness, competition, and innovation, as well as introduced the collaboration history between the Chamber and Nanjing. He also pointed the huge potential that the new pilot project for expanding the opening up of the service industry can bring to European business.