Meeting with Mr. Tang Song, the Deputy General Director of Foreign Investment Department of MOFCOM

2023-08-18 | Beijing

On 18th August 2023, the European Chamber representatives paid a visit to the MOFCOM. Mr Tang Song, the Deputy General Director (DGD) of Foreign Investment Department of MOFCOM together with his colleagues from Industrial Division, International Cooperation Division and Foreign Investment Task Force welcomed the Chamber representatives. Deputy General Director expressed his hope to have frequent face-to-face conversations and asked the Chamber’s comments in terms of the newly released Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimising the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing Efforts to Attract Foreign Investment (Opinions).

The General Manager (GM) Carl Hayward thanked the DGD for the meeting opportunity and briefed counterparts the main publications of the European Chamber, the BCS and annual position paper. He said one of the major concerns for European business is to make sure that timely and effective communication with relevant ministries and departments could be achieved. The European Chamber welcomed the newly released 24 measures and would like to work closely with MOFCOM to figure out how to actually implement these policies that have been suggested.

DGD Tang pointed out that Chinese government attaches great importance to the difficulties and problems faced by the foreign invested enterprises and that MOFCOM has set up a roundtable meeting mechanism to communicate with the foreign companies and inform them in a timely manner of policies that are of concern to them. In the future, the MOFCOM would like to have exclusive dialogues and meetings with the European Chamber to hear Chamber’s suggestions and provide more assistance for the Chamber member companies.

in the end, both sides expressed a willingness to deepen communication and maintain close exchanges.