Meeting with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Trade Promotion Centre

2023-11-09 | Beijing

On 9th November, the Chamber Beijing Chapter received representatives of CCPIT trade promotion centre at the Beijing office. Mr. Sun Wei, the deputy general-director of trade promotion centre of CCPIT introduced the main responsibility of trade promotion centre and its upcoming event. In addition to promotion activity, the trade promotion centre also works closely with CAC about the cross-border date flow, and there is a data centre subordinated to trade promotion centre which is responsible for the standard contract related issues.

The chamber representative welcomed DDG Sun's visit and showed willingness to maintain close communication with the trade promotion centre for future events. the head the Chinese government affairs also mentioned that the cross-border data flow is a hot-button issue among member companies and would like to have more engagement with Chinese counterparts in this regard.

DDG Sun noted that the centre is working with Chamber southwest Chapter to co-organise meeting regarding cross-border data flow and they are willing to coordinate for the future events.