Energy WG Chair Spoke at EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) Studies Dissemination Event

2023-12-13 | Beijing

Energy WG Chair Spoke at EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) Studies Dissemination Event

On 13th December, Zhonghua Xu, National Chair of Energy WG, spoke at the studies dissemination event organised by the EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) in the Peninsula Beijing, where results from three studies developed under Component B (business component) of ECECP were presented:

  • China Rural Energy Transition: Integrating Renewable Energy, Heating and Transport Sectors - Potential Areas for EU-China Cooperation
  • Energy Security in the Context of Energy Transition – Lessons and Challenges within Europe and within China
  • Opportunities in LNG, CCUS and Green Hydrogen sectors in China for EU Business: enabling policies and financing needs