Healthcare Equipment Working Group Provided Feedback to Healthcare Security Administration of Jiangsu Province

2024-06-01 | Beijing, Shanghai

On the 1st of June, the Healthcare Equipment Working Group provided feedback to the Healthcare Security Administration of Jiangsu Province on a draft titled "Notice on Promoting the Governance of Listed Prices of Medical Consumables". The group made several key recommendations. First, they suggested relaxing the access requirements for online procurement records in six provinces, particularly in the case of innovative medical technologies and new products. Secondly, they proposed the implementation of transparent and straightforward pricing rules. In terms of volume-based procurement policies, they recommended determining the online price post-signing of the VBP contracts in order to uphold a fair market competition environment and prevent price deception. Recognizing that businesses need to process substantial data and implement nationwide price linkage adjustments, they also proposed extending the feedback processing time from 20 to 40 working days.