European Chamber Meets with Vice Minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) Tian Shihong

2024-06-14 | All chapters

On 14th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund led a delegation to meet with Dr. Tian Shihong, Vice-Minister of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and Administrator of Standardisation Administration of China (SAC).

The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on current Sino-European economic and trade relations, standards and conformity assessment, testing and certification, intellectual property protection, anti-monopoly enforcement and food safety regulation. President Jens expressed his gratitude to the SAMR for its active role in promoting market transparency, safeguarding market order and promoting fair competition in the market, as well as its efforts to improve the business environment. The European Chamber is willing to play an active role in promoting mutual exchanges and resolving disputes together.

Vice-Minister Tian Shihong recognised the Chamber’s significant role in acting as a communication bridge between the government and European businesses, as well as addressing industry concerns. He said that opening up is China's basic national policy, the SAMR will continue to promote the construction of a transparent and predictable business environment, and actively listen to the views of the Chamber to create favourable conditions for European enterprises to invest in China.