Banking and Securities Chair Speaks at 15th CEIBS Lujiazui Forum

2024-06-20 | Shanghai

On 20th June, Mario Huang, Chair of the Banking and Securities Sub-Working Group delivered remarks at the 2024 China-Europe International Business School's (CEIBS's) 15th Lujiazui Forum. The forum included an International Financial Roundtable Symposium on "Global Economic and Financial Openness and Cooperation Amidst Multiple Challenges," with panel discussions on "Opportunities and Risks in the Financial Markets Amid Institutional Openness" and "Current Status, Challenges and Vision of China Sustainable Financial Cooperation."  Mario Huang delivered remarks on behalf of the Chamber's Financial Services working group during the second panel. He noted that in recent years, China's financial industry has witnessed the introduction of a series of policies to further enhance the degree of openness, which indicates that China's financial industry is heading toward a healthy and long-term development.  However, Mr Huang emphasised that China's financial ecosystem can be further optimised to support European financial institutions in the areas of market integration and contribution. "Promoting China-Europe cooperation, starting from Shanghai, gives us the opportunity to play a greater role in building China and Shanghai into a financial center with real international influence."