5th Anniversary of the Clinical Real-World Data Application Pilot in Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone

2024-06-20 | Beijing, Shanghai

On the 20th of June, Jessica attended the Medical Device Real-World Research Closed Door Meeting of the 5th-anniversary meeting of the Clinical Real-World Data Application Pilot at Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone. At the closed-door meeting, Jessica emphasized the suggestion of improving the level of evidence of real-world data (RWD) to support medical device regulatory decisions. At present, RWD is only used as auxiliary evidence, and its probative force is relatively low, which affects the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate. Under the context, Jessica proposed that in the future, the level of evidence should be improved, and the scope of application of varieties should be expanded. Jessica also suggested the establishment of an expert research group, and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is willing to participate in it and actively contribute international good practices to it.