European Chamber Vice President Meeting with Guangzhou Municipal Government Secretary General

2024-06-28 | South China

European Chamber Vice President Meeting with Guangzhou Municipal Government Secretary General

On June 28th, Klaus Zenkel, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chair of the South China Board, attended the opening ceremony of the Office of the Canton Investment Development Commission (CIDC Office). Before the event began, he met with Hong Qian, Secretary General of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, and Wei Min, Director General of the Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau.

During their meeting, they discussed the latest developments in EU-Guangzhou trade relations and the overall progress of European companies in Guangzhou. Zenkel also shared recent publications from the chamber, including the 2024 Business Confidence Survey and the upcoming 2024/2025 Position Paper.

At the event, the Guangzhou Municipal Government presented the background of the CIDC Office and outlined the 20 Articles of Guangzhou Investment Promotion Policies.