European Chamber Engages with Zhongshan Leaders at 2024 Global Investment Promotion Conference

2024-07-30 | South China

European Chamber Engages with Zhongshan Leaders at 2024 Global Investment Promotion Conference

On July 20th, Mr Klaus Zenkel, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chair of the South China Board, attended the 2024 Zhongshan Global Investment Promotion Conference. During the event, Mr Zenkel met with Mr Guo Wenhai, Party Secretary of Zhongshan, and Mr Jiang Ji, Director of the Zhongshan Foreign Affairs Office. They engaged in a productive discussion about recent developments and changes in the business environment in Zhongshan.
Key topics included conditions for foreign investors, such as a well-functioning supply chain and excellent infrastructure. A significant highlight was the recent inauguration of the Shenzhong Link, which connects Shenzhen and Zhongshan, greatly enhancing the city’s accessibility and attractiveness. The discussion also covered the benefits for enterprises and talents in the region. Both parties expressed interest in setting up a meeting between the Zhongshan government and the Chamber to further explore these opportunities and foster a deeper mutual understanding.