Advocacy Actions

2016-11-17 > Beijing

Con-call with the Head of Automotive Unit of the DG Growth

European Chamber Automotive Working Group members had a con-call with Ms. Barbara BONVISSUTO, the head of the Automotive Division of DG GROWTH on Nov 17th.

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2016-11-16 > Beijing

Meeting with Vice Commissioner of the SIPO

President Wuttke led a delegation and met Vice Commissioner He Zhimin of SIPO on 16 November, 2016.

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2016-11-16 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Shanxi HFPC on Price Control of IVD reagents

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group sent a Lobby Letter to the Department of Drug Policy of the Shanxi Health and Planning Commission on Price Control of IVD reagents.

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2016-11-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lobby letter sent to AQSIQ No. 3 Food Safety Division to follow up the new developments of the AQSIQ’s new requirements on harmonized certificate for imported foods

Lobby letter sent to AQSIQ No. 3 Food Safety Division to follow up the new developments of the AQSIQ’s new requirements on harmonized certificate for imported foods

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2016-11-14 > Shanghai

European Chamber Comments on GAC's PRC Law of Tonnage Due (Draft for Comments)

European Chamber member companies provided feedbacks on GAC's call for comments on the Law of Tonnage Due of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments)

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2016-11-14 > Shanghai

Meeting with Anhui CCPIT Vice Chair on Future Cooperation

Anhui CCPIT Vice Chair visited the European Chamber Shanghai office for future cooperation.

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2016-11-14 > Beijing

Comments on the "Concept for Online Purchasing of High-value Disposable Medical Device" of Guizhou Province

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted consolidated comments on the "Concept for Online Purchasing of High-value Disposable Medical Device" to the Health and Family Planning Commission of Guizhou Province.

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2016-11-14 > Beijing

Call for Comments on Measures on Supervision of Effective Onshore Assets of Foreign Invested Reinsurers

On 14 November, the European Chamber Insurance Working Group submitted a letter to the CIRC Financial Accounting Department Solvency Regulatory Division, in order to express our opinions on the draft of the Measures on Supervision of Effective Onshore Assets of Foreign Invested Reinsurers.

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2016-11-11 > Beijing

Comments on “Guiding Principles for Registration and Technical Evaluation of Central Venous Catheters“

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted Comments on the draft “Guiding Principles for Registration and Technical Evaluation of Central Venous Catheters“ to the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) of the CFDA.

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2016-11-11 > All chapters

Seminar: Theory and Practice of Punitive Compensation under Consumer Rights Protection Law

The Seminar was co-organised by CASS on Theory and Practice of Punitive Compensation under Consumer Rights Protection Law

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