Advocacy Actions

2018-05-15 > All chapters

European Chamber Shanghai Board Chairman Speaks at Business Forum for European Business Delegates Accompanying AGRI Commissioner Phil Hogan to China

European Chamber Shanghai Board Chairman Speaks at Business Forum for European Business Delegates Accompanying AGRI Commissioner Phil Hogan to China

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2018-05-15 > Beijing

Participate CMDE Seminar on draft MSW QMS audit guidance

Participate seminar of CMDE for developing a guidance of medical software quality management system audit

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2018-05-14 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Financial Services Office on Opening-up of Banking Sector

Meeting with Shanghai Financial Services Office on Opening-up of Banking Sector

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2018-05-11 > Beijing

Comments on standard of UDI to CMDSA

Comments on Standard of Unique Device Identification were submitted to Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration (CMDSA)

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2018-05-11 > Beijing

Information to CMDE's Inquiry on 'Urgently Required Medical Devices'

On request of the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE), the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) submitted information on medical devices urgently required by Chinese hospitals.

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2018-05-10 > Beijing

Meeting with the Hunan HFPC on Local Implementation of the Healthcare Reform

A delegation of the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group met Mr Chen Xiaochun, director of Hunan HFPC and four of heads of department to discuss the local implementation of the healthcare reform.

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2018-05-10 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Government Development and Research Center on 2018 Shanghai Think Tank Summit

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Government Development and Research Center on 2018 Shanghai Think Tank Summit

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2018-05-10 > Beijing

IMDRF Clinical Evaluation WG meeting

International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) Clinical Evaluation Working Group meeting

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2018-05-08 > Beijing

Meeting with International Trade Committee of the European Parliament

The European Chamber led by President Mats Harbon met with a delegation of the INTA Committee led by its chairperson, Mr Bernd Lange. The purpose of the meetings was to have an open discussion on EU-China relations and the business environment for European companies in China.

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2018-05-08 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to China National Drug Administration on Recommendation on the Management Adjustment to the Pudong Pilot Programme

The European Chamber’s Cosmetics working groups submitted an advocacy letter to CNDA tore commend, based on the Pudong Pilot Program and under the guidance of the CNDA, Shanghai FDA, and by the implementation of Pudong Market Supervision Administration, before the program ends in 2018, a product safety evaluation report be used to replace animal testing in the materials submitted to notify an imported non-functional cosmetic product. This evaluative form can only be valid on the condition that the ‘responsible person’ (a term denoting corporate responsibility) will undertake all responsible precautionary measures to guarantee a product is safe and of good quality, to ensure a competent quality management system is established and to make sure onsite inspections of overseas manufacturing is doable.

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