Advocacy Actions

2024-04-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Healthcare Equipment Working Group Gathers International Post-Market Surveillance Regulation Data for the Centre of Drug Evaluation

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group collected international data on post-market surveillance regulation and provided it to the Centre of Drug Evaluation for research purposes under the Global Harmonisation Working Party.

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2024-04-17 > Beijing

Meeting with International Civil Aviation Organization on international air transport resumption and green aviation

On Wednesday 17th April 2024, the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group representative met up with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on international air resumption and green aviation.

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2024-04-17 > Beijing

European Chamber representatives present in a seminar for a visiting delegation of Slovenian companies

On 17th April, a group of European Chamber representatives led by Vice-President Stefan Bernhart shared their insights on the current business environment in China for European businesses to a delegation of Slovenian enterprises.

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2024-04-16 > Shanghai

Investment Working Group Luncheon with Changning District Overseas Chinese Affairs Office

On 16th April, Investment Working Group attended a luncheon with Ms Chen Feng, Director of Changning District Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and exchanged views on mutual areas of interests and possible cooperation events in 2024.

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2024-04-16 > All chapters

European Chamber Chair of the Cybersecurity Working Group meets with Vanda Markovic, Director at DG TRADE

On 16th April, the Chair of the Cybersecurity Sub-Working Group met with Vanda Markovic, Director at DG TRADE, to discuss recent developments in the Chinese cross-border data transfer regulatory landscape.

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2024-04-16 > Beijing

European Chamber Vice-President provides an overview of the Position Paper to a delegation of Czech companies

On 16th April, European Chamber Vice-President Stefan Bernhart gave a presentation on key economic, policy and political trends in China, their impact on European businesses and their recommendations to a group of business representatives from Czech companies.

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2024-04-15 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

On 15th April, a delegation of European Chamber representatives led by President Jens Eskelund met with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE, and other visiting officials.

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2024-04-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Cosmetic WG Chair meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

Cosmetic WG Chair meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

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2024-04-12 > Shanghai

Investment Working Group Attended Changning ESG Event

On 12th April, upon invitation of the Changning District, National Vice Chair Dr Ioana Kraft of the Investment Working Group of the European Chamber attended the Chinese and Foreign Chambers of Commerce Salon in Shanghai-ESG Capabilities of Enterprises and International Development event.

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2024-04-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

On 12th April, European Chamber representatives joined a meeting organised by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology to discuss the newly released circular by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the pilot work of expanding the opening-up of value-added telecommunication services.

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