Advocacy Actions

2015-12-15 > Beijing

Meeting with NDRC on Negative List

Ms. Sara Marchetta, Vice President of the Chamber had a meeting with the Deputy Director General of the Department of Economic System Reform, NDRC on negative list and market access in China.

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2015-12-14 > Beijing

Letters to NHFPC, MIIT, MoF, and MofCom on the “Domestically Manufactured Products” Issue

European Chamber submitted lobby letters to NHFPC, MIIT, MoF, and MofCom on the “Domestically Manufactured Products” Issue.

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2015-12-11 > Beijing

Meeting with Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM

Maggie Xie, Head of Government Affairs of the Chamber held a working meeting with Mr. Qi Ping from the Department of Foreign Investment Administration, MOFCOM.

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2015-12-11 > Beijing

Comments on China RoHS II Regulation -Product Scope Interpretation(Draft) to MIIT

European chamber submitted Comments on China RoHS II Regulation -Product Scope Interpretation(Draft) to MIIT on 11th, Dec.

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2015-12-10 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on SCLAO's Regulation on Express Delivery

European Chamber Comments on SCLAO's Regulation on Express Delivery

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2015-12-10 > Beijing

Meeting with the AQSIQ

The representatives of the AFB Working Group, Cosmetics Working Group and PN Desk met with the AQSIQ to discuss the cross border e-commerce issues.

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2015-12-09 > Beijing

Meeting with the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Mr. Beckmann

The European Chamber attended a reception of the German Ambassador and the Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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2015-12-09 > Shanghai

European Chamber Shanghai Vice-chair Delivery Speech in China (Anhui) SME Cross-border Investment & Trade Event

European Chamber Shanghai Vice-chair presented the Chamber's stance on SMEs in China (Anhui) SME Cross-border Investment & Trade Event.

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2015-12-08 > Beijing

Interchamber Working Group Meeting GM Roundtable

Challenges and opportunities are been seeing in China market, it’s a great timing for SMEs to get together and share the voice by the end of a successful year. The European Union Chamber of Commerce SME Forum and EU SME Centre organised EU SMEs General Managers Roundtable in Beijing on 8th December 2016 to discuss:
- Investment & Setting up business in China
- Technology Transfer
- Exportation

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