Advocacy Actions

2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Light-weight Authentication and Access Control Mechanism

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other related working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) ’s public consultation on the Information security technology – Light-weight authentication and access control mechanism.

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2018-07-23 > Beijing

Comments to the MOJ's draft 'Amendment to the Regulation of Medical Device Supervision'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Ministry of Justice's (MOJ) draft 'Amendment to the Regulation of Medical Device Supervision'

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2018-07-20 > Beijing, South China

Comments on the Guangdong HFPC's 'Purchasing Catalogues of Medical Devices: Open for Import / Import Restricted'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the Guangdong Health and Family Planning Commission's (HFPC) 'Purchasing Catalogues of Medical Devices: Open for Import / Import Restricted'

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2018-07-19 > Beijing

Comments on the CMDE's draft 'Technical Guideline for the Registration of Disposable Biopsy Needles'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation's (CMDE) draft 'Technical Guideline for the Registration of Disposable Biopsy Needles'.

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2018-07-18 > Beijing

Chamber Presents Business Confidence Survey Findings to the NDRC

A delegation from the European Chamber met with the NDRC on 18th July to discuss the findings of the 2018 Business Confidence (BCS).

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2018-07-16 > All chapters

European Chamber Takes Key Role in EU-China Business Roundtable to Raise Concerns with Political Leadership

President Mats Harborn led a delegation of members to participate in the China-EU Business Roundtable, co-organised by the European Chamber and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and jointly guided by the European Commission and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).

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2018-07-13 > Beijing

Seminar on Environment Issues in Medical Equipment Sector

Seminar on Environment Issues in Medical Equipment Sector

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2018-07-13 > Beijing

2018 National Manufacturing Expert Forum

National Manufacturing Expert Forum was held by National Manufacturing Strategy Advisory Committee which was founded in 2015 under China Manufacturing 2025. This year, the topic is about optimizing the market environment and promoting development energy. President Mats Harborn was invited for the Summit Dialogue, which is the highlight of the Forum.

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2018-07-11 > Beijing

Chamber Discusses EU-China Connectivity Platform with DG MOVE

European Chamber sent a delegation to meet up with DDG of DG MOVE Ms. Maja Bakran at the EU Delegation.

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2018-07-06 > Beijing, Nanjing

Comments to the Xuzhou Procurement Leading Group on the '2018 Concept for Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices and IVD'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Xuzhou Procurement Leading Group for Sourcing of Disposable Medical Devices and IVD on the '2018 Procurement Plan'.

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