Advocacy Actions

2023-11-29 > Beijing

Meeting with Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Qingdao Sub-Council

On 29th November, a delegation led by Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Qingdao Sub-Council paid a visit to European Chamber Beijing office.

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2023-11-29 > Beijing

Call for Comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Second Round of Draft for Comment)

On November 29th, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Committee submitted collated comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Second Round of Draft for Comment)

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2023-11-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Government Meeting with Deputy Director-General of Anti-monopoly Division, State Administration for Market Regulation

On 28th November, a group of representatives from International Liner Shipping working group had a government meeting and deep industry exchange with Mr.LIU Jian, deputy director-general of anti-monopoly division of State Administration for Market Regulation in Beijing.

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2023-11-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Government Meeting with Deputy Director-General of Port Office, Customs

On 28th November, a group of representatives from International Liner Shipping working group had a government meeting and deep industry exchange with Mr.ZHANG Tao, deputy director-general of Port Office, Customs in Beijing.

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2023-11-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Government Meeting with Director of Foreign Investment Office, Ministry of Commerce

On 28th November, , a group of representatives from International Liner Shipping working group had a government meeting and deep industry exchange with Mr. CHEN Binyan, Director of Foreign Investment Office, Ministry of Commerce in Beijing.

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2023-11-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Adapting to the New Normal - Dispute Resolution Among Escalating Trade Restrictions

This joint working group meeting was held by the Legal and Competition Working Group and the Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group in Beijing, Shanghai and online simultaneously.

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2023-11-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Government Meeting with Deputy Director General of Waterway Bureau, Ministry of Transport

On 27th November, a group of representatives from International Liner Shipping working group had a deep exchange meeting with Mr. YI Jiyong, Deputy Director-General of Waterway Bureau, Ministry of Transport.

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2023-11-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Government Meeting with President of Shanghai Shipping Exchange

On 24th November, a group of representatives from International Liner Shipping working group had a deep exchange meeting with Shanghai Shipping Exchange.

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2023-11-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Interim Measures for the Cultivation and Management of Green Factories (Draft for Comments)

On 23rd November 2023, the Environment WG submitted comments to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Interim Measures for the Cultivation and Management of Green Factories (Draft for Comments).

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2023-11-23 > Nanjing, National

Meeting with Xin Changxing, Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPC

On 23 November 2023, European Chamber National President Jens Eskelund, Vice President Carlo D'Andrea, Nanjing Chapter Chair Andreas Risch, Vice Chair Shan Jianhua and board members had a meeting with Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPC, Xin Changxing.

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