Advocacy Actions

2017-05-25 > All chapters

Comments on CFDA's Announcement 52, 53, 54, 55 on Encouraging Innovation in Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group submitted comments on CFDA's Announcement No. 52, 53, 54, 55 on encouraging innovation in pharmaceutical and medical device.

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2017-05-25 > Beijing

Comments to CFDA on Doc. #52-55 encouraging innovative new drugs and devices

Comments on CFDA on the documents #52 – 55 (Encourage Innovative new Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products) was submitted to CFDA

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2017-05-24 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with CCIEE on Belt & Road Initiative

European Chamber, together with AmCham, invited Mr Zhang Xiaoqiang, former Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Executive Vice Chairman of the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) to an Exclusive Dialogue on the Belt & Road Initiative.

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2017-05-24 > Beijing

Meeting with the State Administration of Work Safety

Ms Liu Huifang, Chair of Chamber's Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group, along with two Vice Chairs of Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group had an exlusive meeting with the Department of Planning of the State Administration of Work Safety.

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2017-05-22 > Beijing

Meeting with MEPs (S&D Delegation to China)

In the context of their visit to China, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), representatives of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Party, met with the European Chamber to hear about the latest trends and developments about doing business in China.

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2017-05-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Director General Yu Binyang of MOHURD

Mr Javier Lopez, National Chair of Chamber's Construction Working Group, along with two National Vice Chairs of Construction Working Group had an exlusive meeting Director General Yu Binyang of MOHURD who is in charge of Center of Science and Technoloy and Industrialization Development and Center of Housing Industrialization.

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2017-05-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Roundtable Dialogue with CSTC of MOHURD

Mr Javier Lopez, National Chair of Chamber's Construction Working Group, along with two National Vice Chairs of Construction Working Group, Mr Christophe Malergue and Mr Pu Kun, led a delegation of 10 members to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD) and had the roundtable dialogues the Centre of Science and Technology and Industrialization Development and the Centre of Housing and Construction Industrialization (CSTC).

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2017-05-22 > All chapters

Government Meeting with the Research Institute of Highway, MOT

Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information Methods for Auto Industry

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2017-05-19 > Beijing

Comments to the Taizhou HFPC's "Regulations on Purchasing and Distribution of Standard Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the draft "Regulations on Purchasing and Distribution of Standard Medical Devices", published for public consultation by the Health and Family Planning Commission of Taizhou City.

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2017-05-18 > All chapters

Government Meeting with the Rural Work Committee, Beijing Municipal Government

The meeting revolves around introduction of the European Heating Industry China Initiative and its work in China.

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