Advocacy Actions

2020-01-20 > Beijing, Southwest China

Telephone Conference with Sichuan HSA on the Draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumables'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Sichuan Health Security Administration (HSA) hold a telephone conference to discuss the draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumable Medical Devices in Sichuan Province'.

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2020-01-20 > Beijing

Meeting with the International Department of National Energy Administration (NEA)

The Energy Working Group of the European Chamber met with the International Department of the National Energy Administration (NEA) to lay down the framework for the cooperation in 2020.

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2020-01-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the CNIPA on the Criteria for the Determination of Trademark Infringement

The Legal and IPR WGs have submitted comments to the CNIPA on the Determination of Trademark Infringement.

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2020-01-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to CNIPA on Criteria for the Determination of Trademark Infringement (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the CNIPA's decision to collect opinions on the "Criteria for the Determination of Trademark Infringement (Draft for Comment)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, led by its IPR Working Group, has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the CNIPA for their consideration.

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2020-01-17 > Beijing, Southwest China

Comments to Sichuan HSA's draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumables'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Sichuan Healthcare Security Administration's (Sichuan HSA's) draft document 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumable Medical Devices in Sichuan Province'.

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2020-01-17 > Beijing

2020 Foreign Experts Symposium Organised by MOST

A delegate of the European Chamber was invited to participate in the annual Foreign Experts Symposium. The symposium, organised by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) serves as a forum for international experts to bring forward recommendations how to further boost science and technology in China.

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2020-01-17 > Beijing

Meeting with the CCPIT on the Export Control Law (Draft)

On 17th January, the Chamber attended the meeting on the Export Control Law (Draft) held by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

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2020-01-16 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE’s Public Consultation: Technical Guidelines on Medical Device Clinical Evaluation

On 16th January, the medical device sector submitted comments to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on its public consultation on the Technical Guidelines on Medical Device Clinical Evaluation.

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2020-01-15 > Beijing

Meeting with the Counsellor for Agriculture, Agri-Sante Section, EU Delegation

The Agriculture Counsellor Damien Plan paid a visit to the Chamber on 15 January to exchange ideas on the working strategies of the year of 2020. Concerns were raised regarding three important public consultation issued recently. Both sides agreed to cooperate in organizing a seminar with the competent authorities on General Administration of Customs' document on oversea food manufacturing enterprises. Also, EU Tour-related topics were discussed and potential event cooperation on the EU food quality promotion campaign was considered.

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2020-01-15 > Beijing

meeting with Chinese Aeronautical Establishment

Meeting with the manager of International Affairs to discuss about future exchange and cooperation on the aviation technology and industrial policies.

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