Advocacy Actions

2020-11-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National People's Congress Standing Committee on the Personal Information Protection Law (Draft for Comments)

On 19th November, the European Chamber working groups submitted comments on the Personal Information Protection Law (draft) to the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

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2020-11-19 > Beijing, South China

European Chamber South China Chapter Meets with the Guangdong Provincial Heatlh Commission to Discuss the "Buy China" Issue

The European Chamber South China Chapter attended a meeting with the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission to discuss the concerns surrounding Guangdong Province's policy encouraging hospitals to buy domestic medical products over foreign medical products.

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2020-11-19 > Beijing

Meeting: Landscape of Carbon Neutral Policies and Strategies and Options of International Companies

Environment Working group organized a working group meeting discussing Carbon Neutrality in response to the target set by President Xi to achieve Carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060.

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2020-11-18 > Beijing, South China

11th China Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR)

The China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR), an annual event to bring the China National Medical Product Administration (NMPA), international regulators and Regulatory Affairs (RA) experts of medical device manufacturers together, to discuss and harmonise regulatory developments in China and the world, took place from 18. - 20. November in Fuzhou. About 1600 delegates participated.

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2020-11-18 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Fujian Healthcare Security Administration on Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Fujian Healthcare Security Administration (HSA) on procurement of disposable medical devices

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2020-11-16 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the SAMR on Terminology and Classification of Alcoholic Beverages (draft for approval)

The AFB WG submitted comments on the Terminology and Classification of Alcoholic Beverages (draft for approval) to the SAMR.

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2020-11-16 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with the European Banking Federation (EBF)

On November 16 at 4 pm China time, the Banking & Securities Working Group of the European Chamber and the European Banking Federation (EBF) have a small working level meeting to discuss practically the next steps in further cooperation (meetings planned, topics to be discussed, people to be involved, etc.).

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2020-11-16 > Beijing

Meeting with the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on the Technical Review Guideline for Change of Administrative Licensing Items of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Draft)

On 16th November, the Chamber had a meeting with the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on the Technical Review Guideline for Change of Administrative Licensing Items of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Draft).

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2020-11-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the CNIPA on Draft Revision of the Guidelines for Patent Examination (First Batch of Draft for Comment)

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the CNIPA on Draft Revision of the Guidelines for Patent Examination (First Batch of Draft for Comment).

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2020-11-13 > Beijing

Submitted formal comments to SAMR on the recent revision draft of the Product Quality Law

Submitted formal comments to SAMR on the recent revision draft of the Product Quality Law.

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