Advocacy Actions

2015-12-08 > Beijing

Interchamber Working Group Meeting GM Roundtable

Challenges and opportunities are been seeing in China market, it’s a great timing for SMEs to get together and share the voice by the end of a successful year. The European Union Chamber of Commerce SME Forum and EU SME Centre organised EU SMEs General Managers Roundtable in Beijing on 8th December 2016 to discuss:
- Investment & Setting up business in China
- Technology Transfer
- Exportation

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2015-12-08 > Beijing

Speaking opportunity as panellist at COP21 side event on China’s Carbon Market Construction

A representative of the Chamber was invited as a panelist during the side event “The Path of China’s National Carbon Market Construction” at the Paris climate summit (COP21).

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2015-12-08 > Beijing

Speaking opportunity as panellist at COP21 side event on China’s MRV system

A representative of the Chamber was invited as a panelist during the side event “China’s MRV system” at the Paris climate summit (COP21).

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2015-12-07 > Beijing

Meeting with SAIC on Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the IPR Abuse

A meeting with SAIC was held to discuss on the latest version of the Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the IPR Abuse SAIC is drafting.

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2015-12-04 > Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin

meeting with SAWS NRCC

Meeting with SAWs NRCC on behalf of PCR WG in Tianjin.

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2015-12-04 > Beijing

Appreciation Letter with Recommendations on Medical Device Registration Reform to CFDA

European Chamber submitted an Appreciation Letter with Recommendations on Medical Device Registration Reform to CFDA.

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2015-12-03 > Beijing

Seminar with Ministry of Finance and DG GROW on Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

Members of the Public Procurement Working Group attended a seminar with the Ministry of Finance, headed by Mr. Wang Shaoshuang, Deputy Director Generale, and Mr. Jean-Yves Muylle, Head of Unit DG GROW, on questions of the reform of SOEs and China's offer for the succession to the multilateral Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) within the framework of the WTO.

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2015-12-03 > Beijing

CMDE seminar on review guidance for X-ray (Class III) Equipment

European Chamber joined the meeting with officials from CMDE and hospital experts to discuss the Review Guidance for X-ray (Class III) Equipment.

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2015-12-02 > Beijing

Lunch meeting with the EU Delegation

On December 2rd, Mr. Bertrand de la Noue had a lunch meeting with Mr. Ugo Astuto, Acting managing Director for Asia at the EEAS and Ms. Friederike Tschampa, alternate COHOM Chair, Human rights and Multilateral Diplomacy, European External Action Service based in Brussels.

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2015-12-01 > Beijing

Comments on the CMDE's "Guideline for Technical Evaluation of ICU Ventilators"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted Comments on the "Guideline for Evaluation of ICU Ventilators" of the China Medical Device Evaluation Centre (CMDE).

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