Advocacy Actions

2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-11-20 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with EU Director-General for DG MOVE, Henrik Hololei

On Friday, 20th November, a group of European Chamber representatives led by President Joerg Wuttke met with the Director-General for DG Mobility and Transportation (MOVE), Henrik Hololei.

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2020-11-10 > Beijing

Meeting with the Delegation of the European Union to China

On 10th November 2020, a meeting between members of the European Chamber Rail Working Group and EU Delegation to China was held at the premise of the EU Delegation. Representatives of the EU Delegation welcomed the participants from the chamber.

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2020-09-18 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives join Transport Counsellors meeting at the EU Delegation

On Friday, 18th September a group of European Chamber representatives joined the Transport Counsellors meeting at the EU Delegation.

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2020-06-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Policy Briefing on Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone

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2020-04-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to MOFCOM and NDRC on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2019)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the MOFCOM's decision to collect opinions on the "Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2019)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the MOFCOM for their consideration.

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