Advocacy Actions

2019-09-11 > Beijing

European Chamber meets DG GROW Representative

On Wednesday, 11th September, European Chamber Business Managers and Coordinators representing the Automotive, Shipbuilding, Inter-Chamber SME and Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Groups, met the newly appointed DG GROW representative in China, Mr. Frank Schmiedel.

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2019-09-11 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE's draft 'Guidelines for Clinical Trials of Hernia Patches'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to Centre of Medical Device Evaluation's (CMDE's) draft 'Guidelines for Clinical Trials of Hernia Patches'.

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2019-09-09 > Beijing

Letter to National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) on new functions and work plan of NIFDC as well as alternative animal test methods in safety assessment

On 9 September, a lobby letter was sent to National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) to exchange ideas on the new functions and work plan of NIFDC as well as alternative animal test methods in safety assessment.

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2019-09-08 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Mr Shen Danyang, Vice-Governor of Hainan, on the Healthcare Industry in the Province

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) met with Mr Shen Danyang, Vice-Governor of Hainan Province and officials form the provincial government to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the healthcare industry in Hainan.

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2019-09-07 > Beijing

Dialogue Fujian Government - Multinational Medical Device Companies

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group attended a meeting of different departments of the Fujian Provincial Government related to healthcare with representatives of multinational medical device companies.

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2019-09-06 > Beijing

Letter to State Council Development Research Centre's (SCDRC's) Institute of Market Economy on Further Opening-up in ICT Services Sector

The European Chamber's ICT and Cybersecurity working groups submitted a letter to the Institute of Market Economy of the SCDRC, calling for further opening up China's ICT services sector, by removing restrictions on value-added telecoms services and cross-border data flows.

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2019-09-06 > Beijing

Meeting with Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce Deputy Director-General ZENG Yan

On 6th Sept., Ms. Yan ZENG, deputy director-general (DDG) of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, visited the European Chamber’s Beijing office and was received by Adam Dunnett, secretary-general (SG) of the European Chamber and Michelle ZHANG, government relations manager.

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2019-09-06 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Mr Li Jianhui, Mayor of Putian, on the Local Development of the Healthcare Industry

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) met with Mr Li Jianhui, Mayor of Putian City, Fujian Province, and official form the provincial and municipal government to discuss the development of the local healthcare industry.

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2019-09-06 > All chapters

Lobby Letter on Enterprise Standards

On 6th September, the European Chamber Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group sent a lobby letter to the State Administration for Market Regulation on enterprise standards.

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2019-09-04 > Beijing

Meeting with Director-General WANG Wei, Development Research Centre of the State Council

On 4th September, as invited by Development Research Centre of the State Council (SCDRC), European Chamber representatives visited SCDRC’s office and had a meeting with the Institute of Market Economy. Director-General (DG) Ms Wang Wei received the European Chamber delegation and both sides had a fruitful exchange.

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