Advocacy Actions

2020-08-21 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Meeting with Vice-Division Director Yang Ting, China Centre for Promotion and International Trade (CCPIT), on Digital Service Tax

The European Chamber representatives met with the China Centre for Promotion and International Trade (CCPIT), Department of Research and Development, to resolve questions on the 'Digital Service Tax'.

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2020-08-21 > Beijing, Nanjing

Meeting with Changzhou National High-Tech District Investment Promotion Bureau on Development of the Medical Device Industry

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Changzhou National High-Tech District Investment Promotion Bureau on Development of the Medical Device Industry.

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2020-08-20 > Beijing

Meeting with the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on the Reform of Filing Modifications of Instructions for Use

On 20 August, the medical device sector had a meeting with the Center for Medical Device Evaluation re the reform of filing modifications of instructions for use.

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2020-08-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the NDRC, PBOC on on Further Regulating the Public Credit Information Inclusion Scope, the Punishment for Dishonest Acts and Credit Repair and Building a Long-term Mechanism for Credit Construction (Draft for Comment)

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the NDRC, PBOC on on Further Regulating the Public Credit Information Inclusion Scope, the Punishment for Dishonest Acts and Credit Repair and Building a Long-term Mechanism for Credit Construction (Draft for Comment).

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2020-08-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to NDRC, MOFCOM on the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2020 Edition)

The Legal WG submitted comments to NDRC, MOFCOM on the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2020 Edition).

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2020-08-19 > Beijing

Submitted Final Comments to the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on the Management Rules for Cosmetic Registration

On 19th August 2020, the Cosmetics Working Group submitted the final comments to NMPA Division 1 upon the Management Rules for Cosmetic Registration regarding articles with different opinions from member companies.

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2020-08-19 > Beijing

Submitted Final Comments to the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on the Measures on Supervision and Administration of Cosmetic Manufacture and Operation

On 19th August 2020, the Cosmetics Working Group submitted the final comments to NMPA upon the Measures on Supervision and Administration of Cosmetic Manufacture and Operation regarding articles with different opinions from member companies.

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2020-08-18 > Beijing

Debrief “Buy China” issue updates in 2020 to the EU Delegation and the European Commission Trade Section

On 18 August, the medical device sector debriefed the "Buy China" updates in 2020 to the EU Delegation and shared with COCIR and updated it to the European Commission Trade Section.

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2020-08-16 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the NPC on the Amendments to the Patent Law (Second Draft for Review)

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the NPC on the Amendments to the Patent Law (Second Draft for Review).

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2020-08-14 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to CMDE on Mandatory Standards Issues Faced by Enterprises Long-time & Have Communicated with CMDE During Registration

On 14 August, the medical device sector sent an advocacy letter to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) on mandatory standards issues faced by enterprises for a long time and have been communicated with CMDE during registration.

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