Advocacy Actions

2020-08-07 > Beijing

Submitted comments on the Draft Revision of the Product Quality Law to SAMR

Submitted comments on the Draft Revision of the Product Quality Law to SAMR

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2020-08-07 > Beijing

Meeting with EUD DG Grow first counsellor Frank Schmiedel

On 7th August, a meeting with the first counsellor of the Delegation of the European Union Frank Schmiedel.

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2020-08-07 > All chapters

First Lobby Letter on Cancellation of Non-Taxable Benefits to MOF

First Letter to MOF on cancelling non-taxable benefits

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2020-08-05 > Beijing

Meeting with DG Grow First Counsellor on Lobby Letters Advocating Business Restart of Cruise

On 5th August Shipbuilding Working Group vice Chair, Mr. Tiger Yong, and Working Group Coordinator, Ms Charlotte Svensson, met with Mr. Frank Schmiedel, First Counsellor, DG GROW to brief him about the lobby letters sent to Chinese authorities and on the general situation for foreign cruise operators in China.

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2020-08-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted Comments on CBIRC’s Draft “Guidance on Implementing Comprehensive Reformation of Vehicle Insurance”

Upon the circulation of the draft within its relevant working group members, the Insurance working group on 5th August submitted comments for consideration of the CBIRC.

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2020-08-04 > Beijing

Evaluation Taskforce Meeting

On 4th June, the Evaluation Taskforce Meeting was held again after a long time suspension due to the COVID-19, to discuss Refresh of TF’s mission and process and some other lobby problems of member companies.

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2020-08-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the SHAMR on Compliance Guidelines for Competition Among Business Operators

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the SHAMR on Compliance Guidelines for Competition Among Business Operators

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2020-07-31 > All chapters

Lobby Letter on ultraviolet disinfection products

On 31st July the European Chamber's Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group submitted a lobby letter on the SAMR's Suggestions on Strengthening the Market Supervision of Network Lighting Products, Especially UV Sterilization Products.

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2020-07-31 > Beijing

Meeting with Food Evaluation Centre, the State Administration of Market Regulation

European Chamber representatives of the Paediatric Nutrition and FSMP sub-working groups paid a visit to the Food Evaluation Centre, the State Administration of Market Regulation. Mr. Dake NIE, Deputy Director, as well Ms. Jihong LONG and Ms. Shaowei DENG, Division Director of Food Evaluation Centre welcomed the industry delegation. The participants discussed the issue of consular certification on overseas applicant's authorization letter for the infant formula recipe and FSMP product registration, modification and renewal.

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2020-07-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Medical Price and Bidding Credit Evaluation System to the National Healthcare Security Administration

European Chamber Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Equipment working groups submitted comments on the Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Medical Price and Bidding Credit Evaluation System to the NHSA

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