Advocacy Actions

2020-07-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the NHSA's "Establishment of a Medical Product Prices and Tendering Credit Evaluation System "

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) and the Pharmaceuticals Working Group jointly submitted comments on the National Healthcare Securities (NHSA's) draft "Establishment of a Medical Product Prices and Tendering Credit Evaluation System "

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2020-07-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Frank Schmiedel, DG Grow

On July 30, Shanghai's Working Group Coordinator for Construction, Pablo Galvez, met with Frank Schmiedel, DG GROW at the EU Delegation, to discuss the negotiations surrounding the government procurement agreement and how to better get input from member on the issue of procurement in China.

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2020-07-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

PCR Working Group joined meeting with MEE to discuss transition from Order 7 to Order 12

On 30 July, the national chair of the PCR Working Group joined an online meeting organised by the MEE to discuss the transition between Order 7 and Order 12 Environmental Management Registration Measures for New Chemical Substances.

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2020-07-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Dinner between the Banking & Securities Working Group and the European Delegation

On July 29, from 6 to 9 pm, representatives from the Banking & Securities Working Group had a discussion with key counterparts from the EU Delegation on key issues of the industry to advocate looking forward as well as how to better coordinate a common strategy.

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2020-07-28 > Beijing

Meeting with UNICEF and Gates Foundation on Call to Action of BMS Code Compliance

On June 25, the Call to Action was put forth by eight international organisations (WHO, UNICEF, Helen Keller International, Save the Children, 1,000 Days, BRAC, FHI360 and FHI Solutions), inviting all manufacturers of breastmilk substitutes (BMS) to make a public commitment to and achieve full compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and all its subsequent resolutions (the WHO Code) by 2030.

To better understand the Call to Action, the Secretariat had a meeting with representatives from UNICEF and Gates Foundation. During the meeting, UNICEF proposed to organise a meeting with the industry to have the Meridian Institution and the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) introduce more information on the Call to Action.

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2020-07-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the SPC on Interpretations on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Cases regarding Infringement of Trade Secrets, Reply on the Application of Laws in Disputes related to Internet Intellectual Property Infringe

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the SPC on Interpretations on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Cases regarding Infringement of Trade Secrets, Reply on the Application of Laws in Disputes related to Internet Intellectual Property Infringement, and Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on the Trial of Intellectual Property Disputes Involving E-Commerce Platform

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2020-07-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Directors of the National Energy Conservation Centre

Deputy Director General Mr. Yangbo and Director Mr. Zhang Yunpeng from the National Energy Conservation Centre introduced the policy and progress of the energy conservation in China, the Centre's ongoing green renovation projects, and the preparation for the International Import Expo – special expo zone of the energy conservation and environment protection.

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2020-07-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Information Security Technology – General Technical Requirements of Smart Home Security and Testing and Evaluation Methods (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Information Security Technology – General Technical Requirements of Smart Home Security and Testing and Evaluation Methods (Draft for Comment)

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2020-07-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Information Security Technology – Implementation Guide for the Construction of Information Security Protection in Industrial Control Systems (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Information Security Technology – Implementation Guide for the Construction of Information Security Protection in Industrial Control Systems (Draft for Comment)

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2020-07-24 > Beijing

Comments on CMDE’s Public Consultation on the Technical Review Guideline for Change of Administrative Licensing Items of In-Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Second Draft for Comments)

On 24 July, the medical device sector sent comments to the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on Technical Review Guideline for Change of Administrative Licensing Items of In-Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Second Draft for Comments).

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