Advocacy Actions

2024-08-07 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Held Meeting with Liaoning Department of Commerce

On August 7th, Mr. Leo Liu, Office Manager of the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, met with Ms. Yang Chen, Head of the Foreign-Invested Companies Department at the Liaoning Department of Commerce. Acting on behalf of a local member, Mr. Liu discussed the member's plans to initiate a cultural and tourism project in the city. This meeting underscores the European Chamber's proactive role in facilitating dialogue between its members and the government, ensuring that member concerns are effectively communicated and addressed.

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2024-08-07 > Beijing

SAMR Seminar on the Notice on Further Regulating the Management of the Base Powder and Other Raw Materials of Infant Formula

On 7th August 2024, the Paediatric Nutrition Sub-working Group participated in a seminar hosted by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Notice on Further Regulating the Management of the Base Powder and Other Raw Materials of Infant Formula.

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2024-07-30 > Beijing

HCE Working Group Submits Supporting Document to NMPA

The HCE Working Group submitted a document on EU and US regulations for extended use of medical equipment to the NMPA for further study.

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2024-07-30 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director General of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce

On July 30, the European Chamber met with a delegation from the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce (DOC) led by Deputy Director General (DDG) Fan Wanchun.

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2024-07-30 > Beijing

PN Desk, FSMP Advisory Committee and Dairy Industry Desk submitted an Advocacy Letter to the GACC on Clarification of the New Standard for Imported Foods Based on the Production Date for the Implementation of Inspection

On 30th July 204, the PN Desk, FSMP Advisory Committee and Dairy Industry Desk submitted an Advocacy Letter to the GACC on Clarification of the New Standard for Imported Foods Based on the Production Date for the Implementation of Inspection.

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2024-07-29 > Beijing

States’ Representative Gianni Di Giovanni Speaks at the CICC & Confindustria China Roundtable

On 29th July, Gianni Di Giovanni, states’ representative of the European Chamber, delivered remarks at the CICC & Confindustria China Roundtable. Ambassador of ltaly to China Massimo Ambrosetti delivered opening remarks via video message.

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2024-07-26 > Beijing

The AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk, and FSMP Advisory Committee Submitted Comments on Provisions for Supervision and Administration of Food Labelling (Draft for Comments)

On 26th July, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk, and FSMP Advisory Committee Submitted Comments on Provisions for Supervision and Administration of Food Labelling (Draft for Comments) to the SAMR.

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2024-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

HCE Working Group Submits Feedback to Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group praised the revised import regulations for Guangdong but suggested improvements in procurement, medical insurance code applications, and consumable code synchronisation.

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2024-07-24 > Beijing

Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Roundtable with European Chamber Member Companies in Financial Sector

On 24th July, Mr Tang Song, the deputy director general of foreign investment department of MOFCOM visited the European Chamber Beijing office and had an exclusive roundtable with the Chamber financial-related member companies to understand issues, opinions and suggestions of financial enterprises on attracting foreign investment and opening up in this area.

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2024-07-24 > Beijing

HCE Working Group Attended Meeting of NMPA for Discussion of ESL of Medical Equipment

On 24 July, Xuanyi Wang represented the Healthcare Equipment Working Group in a meeting about the expected service life of medical devices. This followed a prior session by the National Medical Products Administration on devices exceeding their expected service life. The HCE Working Group is gathering international regulatory experiences and consulting COCIR for information on European regulations. They are also organizing a discussion on two standards under public consultation to formulate recommendations.

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