Advocacy Actions

2021-02-02 > Beijing

meeting with MOFCO Research Center , NDRC Chaoyang , CBD Chaoyang committee

EUCCC, British Chamber, and German Chamber had a meeting with MOFCOM research institute, NDRC Chaoyang , Chaoyang CBD committee on the impact of CAI to European companies, and incentive policies for foreign investment in Chaoyang. the participants also gave the suggestions and comments on the administrative work of NDRC.

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2021-01-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to MEE on Guidelines for Environmental Management of Waste Incineration and Disposal Units

On 29 January, the European Chamber's Energy and Environment working groups submitted comments to the MEE SCC on Guidelines for Environmental Management of Waste Incineration and Disposal Units.

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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